Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Happy New Year
I will shortly be signing off for the evening, so thought I would wish everyone a Happy New Year:
May the champagne flow freely this evening (and tomorrow if you wish) and may you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2009.
We will be having a quiet family day tomorrow, eating and drinking and playing silly games with our gorgeous daughter. It's great having kids, it's a time when we adults can be silly and it doesn't really matter who's watching!! Mind you, I've been acting like a kid for years.
Happy New Year - may it be a good one for you!
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy xx
Thursday, 18 December 2008
New Stockist - Ewe and Me

I also took a trip to Caledonian Craft Connections in Nairn yesterday to drop off another selection of my jewellery. The Labyrinth pendants have sold extremely well - they had sold out. Unfortunately I didn't have any fused glass fish panels to give them, these have also sold out and have been really popular.
I'm slowing down now coming up for Christmas - thankfully. All my Christmas Fairs have finished and have to say, although I enjoy attending them and selling my jewellery, it can be very tiring. I've been exhausted and then came down with the dreaded sickness bug. I have been so busy making stock and visiting my retail outlets that I haven't had time to do much of my Christmas shopping.
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Happy 60th Mum

It's my mum's 60th birthday tomorrow, but she's having a surprise party tonight at my sister's house. Unfortunately, living so far away, we couldn't be there, but I'm sure it will be great fun. I put her picture in the paper (the one above) - when she was a wee girl.
As a special present to my mum, I made this pendant from fine silver and imprinted my daughter's fingerprints into one of the hearts. I connected the two hearts together, the smaller one in front and attached to a necklace. Now my mum will always remember her grandaughter wherever she goes - she's wearing her fingerprints on her jewellery.
This is a new line of jewellery I will be doing - keepsake fingerprint jewellery. They make great special presents for mums, dads, grand parents.
I'm back at Delgatie Castle tomorrow for their last Christmas Fair. I hope it will be nice and busy.
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
It's snowing again - White Christmas
We couldn't resist playing in the snow today - my daughter had a great time, even though it was freezing.
Even duckie thought it was cold!!
Had a good night tonight - I attended Clarks Pharmacy in Keith for their late night Christmas shopping, it was their 10% discount night. They now stock Lazy Daisy Glass and sold some of my pieces this evening. I'm thrilled that they are now stocking my jewellery.
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Christmas Fair - Delgatie Castle
I attended the first weekend at Delgatie Castle and it was certainly like Christmas. I decided to stay on site just in case it was bad weather - Turriff can be pretty bad to get to if it snows. As accommodation was cheap, I asked if the OH and daughter could also stay. We had a great weekend, staying on an estate. Woke up to this scenery on Saturday - it was absolutely freezing (-7 degrees).
There was thick frost under foot and it simply didn't budge all weekend. I thought the attendance at the castle was low, but I know the people next to me did very well, so people were spending. I couldn't make the second weekend due to another booking on 6th December at Bishopmill Hall in Elgin. The stallholders next to me at Delgatie Castle offered to look after my stall if I could leave it there. What a great offer. So I decided to leave half of my stock at the castle and return on Sunday 7th and attend the Elgin venue on Saturday. What great people stallholders are - very helpful and friendly.
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Woke up to this - It's snowing
Woke up Saturday morning to a crisp white scene. It was fantastic as I love snow, but only for playing in. Unfortunately I had to drive to Elgin Library to their Christmas craft fair. I was dreading it. I panic and get very tense when driving in snow. I set off to Keith to join the main A96. We live in a rural hamlet which is five miles from anywhere, so the road to Keith can be a bit tricky. And sure enough, it was. I couldn't go any faster than 30 miles an hour, even dropping to 20 in places. I made it to the fair in one piece and had a good day. However, the journey was another tricky one. Had to have a few rums to calm the nerves (medicinal purposes). Sunday was still snowy and we had more snow over night. I took some photos to show you the scenery from our house - it is quite spectacular. Attended another fair today, but wasn't as successful. I don't think anyone wanted to venture out in the cold snowy weather. The roads were not half as bad today, so a huge relief.
Friday, 21 November 2008
New Retail Outlet - Caledonian Craft Connections
My stock is now available at the Caledonian Craft Connections in Nairn, The Highlands. I met with Pat and Marie on Wednesday and discussed my items and they were happy with my creations so are now available in their shop. They have already sold a couple of items - fantastic news. I have also received some positive feedback from them. It's a great shop with a good variety of craft work, including feltwork, wood, jewellery, paintings, stained glass and they now stock wool also. They have a separate area with all their wools and can say they have a good selection. If you are ever in Nairn, do stop by the shop to have a peek.
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy xx
Butterfly Giveaway - Winner
I would like to thank all those who participated and left wonderful messages.
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy xx
Thursday, 13 November 2008
1000th Blog Visit - Giveaway
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Tweed Purse and Matching Corsage
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Handmade Felted Bags and Accessories
I attended a soup and sweet and craft fair today at Newmill, Keith. Met up with some fellow friends and craftmakers and had a good natter. It's quite a small crafting community in this area so you get to know everyone fairly quickly. I particularly like the scottie dog handbag, pink daisy bag and the iPod covers - all knitted/felted. I recently bought a glasses case (blogged earlier about that product) and these make great stocking fillers.
They are made by Rhoda MacKenzie and Astrid Bowie - they are quite new to the craft circuit, but their work is very good and also very popular. Now what girl doesn't like handbags??
Lazy Daisy xx
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
My Stock on Folksy and Etsy
Friday, 31 October 2008
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Jewellery Party - Dichroic Glass
Latest Stockist of Lazy Daisy Glass Jewellery
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy x
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Halloween Giveaway - Winners
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Glass Fusing Workshop - update
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
I've Been Tagged
1) Link to your tagger and list all these rules in your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4) Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
It took a whole day to try and think of these facts, I hope you like them:
1) I met and shook hands with Tom Cruise in London when I worked there (he's not that short!). We had a chat and got his autograph
2) Had my first McDonalds hot fruit pie in 1975 when I lived in Hong Kong.
3) Swam with turtles in Barbados 2 years ago (in their natural environment, not in captivity)
4) Whilst attending my cousins wedding at Falmouth Hotel, Cornwall (many years ago), Pete Townsend (The Who) joined in with photo shoots
5) I was once a beauty queen (yes, really) and was crowned by Laurie Quayle, TV presenter of TSW (that's how long ago it was)
6) Bumped into Jerry Springer on Park Lane, London on the way home from work one evening. He was walking along on his own and we had a brief chat.....Jerry, Jerry
7) I would like to retire to somewhere hot and sunny - I love the caribbean
I am going to tag the following bloggers:
I hope you found this fun and interesting
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Does anyone Twitter?
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Glass Fusing Workshop - Puddleduck Patch
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Felted Picture - Dexter & Magnum
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Holiday in Cornwall
Monday, 6 October 2008
Felt Specs Case
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Halloween Giveaway - Freebie
I'm giving two lucky people the chance of winning these dichroic glass pendants (one per person, design chosen at random). They are made from pumpkin orange glass with dichroic accents fused into them.
I have entered them into the Crafteroo Halloween Challenge, but thought it would be great if you could win them.
All you have to do is simply leave a 'nice' comment on this blog post between now and 24th October and two names will be drawn from a hat. Just in time for them to be sent to you and worn on Halloween Night ..... OOOOoooooooo.
Good luck
Kathryn, Lazy Daisy
Friday, 26 September 2008
New Stock Added to my Website
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.....
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Art and Craft Exhibition, Boharm Hall
Friday, 12 September 2008
Beside the Sea - Fused Glass
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Dundee Festival - What an Artist
Dundee Festival - Mixing with the Rich and Famous
Monday, 8 September 2008
The Great British Craft Tour
Saturday, 30 August 2008
New Items - Labyrinth (Electric Blue)
Let me know what you think - it will be interesting to hear your feedback.
I will hopefully be adding some more shortly. I a little short of time at the moment as I am busy building up stock for my 3 day event in Dundee - yikes! Panic springs to mind. Once this event is over I should be able to relax a little!